63-ka ugu Wacan ee Google Docs Keyboard Keyboard

Horumari socodka shaqadaada adiga oo wax walba u adeegsada furayaasha kiiboodhka(keyboard shortcuts) . Xitaa waxaad samayn kartaa jid- gaabyo gaar(create custom shortcuts) ah oo adiga kuugu fiican. Jid(Shortcuts) -gaaban ayaa ku shaqeeya abka kasta iyo nidaam kasta, laga bilaabo dukumeentigaaga Word ilaa interface -ka Windows . Qaar badan(Many) oo iyaga ka mid ah sidoo kale waa isku mid iyadoon loo eegin barnaamijka aad isticmaalayso.

Maqaalkani wuxuu diiradda saari doonaa barashada furayaasha kiiboodhka ugu fiican ee Google Docs .

Jid-gaabyada inta badan la isticmaalo

Jidadka gaaban ee qaybtan aad bay caan u yihiin, kaliya maaha Google Docs laakiin abka kala duwan, daalacashada, iyo barnaamijyada laga yaabo inaad isticmaasho. Waxay u badan tahay inaad horeba u taqaannay qaarkood.

Ctrl + C Copy content onto the clipboard.
Ctrl + X Cut the desired content. While Copy makes a new copy of the content, the cut command will remove the content from its original place so you can paste it wherever you want.
Ctrl + V Paste the previously copied or cut content.
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo the last action.
Ctrl + K Opens up a field where you can insert or edit links.
Alt + Enter Open up a link from your Google Doc.

Loogu talagalay macOS:

Cmd + C Copy content onto the clipboard.
Cmd + X Cut the content.
Cmd + V Paste.
Cmd + Z Undo the last action.
Cmd + Shift + Z Redo the last action.
Cmd + K Insert or edit links.
Option + Enter Open a link already in the Google Docs file.

Hababka Qoraal ee Gaaban

Haddi aad Google Docs u isticmaasho shaqada, mashaariicda dugsiga, ama qorista buug, waxaad u baahan doontaa inaad qaabayso qoraalka. Habkaas dukumeentigu wuu fududaan lahaa in la akhriyo lana fahmo. Habaynta qoraalka waxa la samayn karaa marka aad wax qorayso ama ka dib. Si kastaba ha noqotee, waxaa jira fur-gaabyada kiiboodhka oo kaa caawin doona inaad si dhakhso leh oo aan dadaal lahayn loogu sameeyo.

Qaar ka mid ah hab-gaabyada habaynta qoraalka ayaa caan ku ah badi abka wax-qorista oo aad u badan tahay inaad horeba u taqaannay.

Ctrl + B Bold the selected text.
Ctrl + I Make the selected text italic.
Ctrl + U Underline the selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + V This is a more complex version of the Ctrl + V command. In Google Docs, when you copy and paste content from somewhere else, Google Docs automatically formats it. Use this shortcut to paste an unformatted version of the copied content.
Ctrl + \ Clear Google Doc formatting of the selected text.
Ctrl + Alt + C Copy the formating action of the selected text.
Ctrl + Alt + V Paste the previously copied formatting action on new text.
Alt + Shift + 5 Strikethrough a part of your text to indicate that you made a change.
Ctrl + . Make the selected text superscript.
Ctrl + , Make the selected text subscript.
Ctrl + Shift + . Increase the font size.
Ctrl + Shift + , Decrease the font size.

Loogu talagalay macOS:

Cmd + B Bold.
Cmd + I Italic.
Cmd + U Underline.
Cmd + Shift + V Paste the unformatted version of the copied content.
Cmd + \ Clear Google Doc formatting of the selected text.
Cmd + Option + C Copy the formatting action of the selected text.
Cmd + Option + V Paste the previously copied formatting action on new text.
Cmd + Shift + X Strikethrough a part of your text to indicate that you made a change.
Cmd + . Make the selected text superscript.
Cmd + , Make the selected text subscript.
Cmd + Shift + . Increase the font size.
Cmd + Shift + , Decrease the font size.

Hababka Gaaban ee Baaragaraafka

Qaabaynta cutubka(Paragraph) ayaa muhiim u ah sida qoraalka laftiisa oo kale. Waxay ka dhigaysa Google Doc si fudud in la raaco oo la akhriyo. Waa kuwan qaar ka mid ah dariiqyada gaagaaban ee soo dedejin doona habka Google Doc kaaga u eegi doono habaysan(making your Google Doc look orderly) :

Ctrl + Shift + L Align the selected paragraphs to the left.
Ctrl + Shift + E Align the selected paragraphs to the center.
Ctrl + Shift + R Align the selected paragraphs to the right.
Ctrl + Shift + J Justify the selected paragraph or part of the text.
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Move the selected paragraph up.
Ctrl +Shift +Down Arrow Move the selected paragraph down.
Ctrl + Shift + 7 Make the selected paragraph a numbered list.
Ctrl + Shift + 8 Make the selected paragraph a bulleted list.
Ctrl + Shift + 9 Make the selected paragraph a checklist.

Loogu talagalay macOS:

Cmd + Shift+ L Align text to the left.
Cmd + Shift + E Align text to the center.
Cmd + Shift + R Align text to the right.
Cmd + Shift + J Justify the selected paragraph or a part of the text.
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Move the selected paragraph up.
Ctrl +Shift +Down Arrow Move the selected paragraph down.
Cmd + Shift + 7 Create a numbered list.
Cmd + Shift + 8 Create a bulleted list.
Cmd + Shift + 9 Create a checklist.

Sawirada iyo Sawirada Habaynta Gaaban(Drawings Formatting Shortcuts)

Sawiradu waxay kaa caawinayaan inaad si fiican u soo bandhigto shaqadaada oo aad aragtid fikradahaaga. Ma(Did) ogtahay inaad qaabayn karto sawirada iyo sawirada Google Doc gaaga si ay ugu haboonaato qoraalka ay la socdaan? Isticmaal(Use) dariiqyadan gaaban si aad socodkaaga shaqo uga dhigto mid aan dadaal lahayn.

Ctrl + Alt + K Resize the image larger with the aspect ratio intact.
Ctrl + Alt + B Resize the image larger horizontally.
Ctrl + Alt + I Resize the image larger vertically.
Ctrl + Alt + J Resize the image smaller with the aspect ratio intact.
Ctrl + Alt + W Resize the image smaller horizontally.
Ctrl + Alt + Q Resize the image smaller vertically.
Alt + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 15°.
Alt + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 15°.
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 1°.
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 1°.

Loogu talagalay macOS:

Cmd + Ctrl + K Resize the image larger with aspect ratio intact.
Cmd + Ctrl + B Resize the image larger horizontally.
Cmd + Ctrl + I Resize the image larger vertically.
Cmd + Ctrl + J Resize the image smaller with the aspect ratio intact.
Cmd + Ctrl + W Resize the image smaller horizontally.
Cmd + Ctrl + Q Resize the image smaller vertically.
Option + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 15°.
Option + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 15°.
Option + Shift + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 1°.
Option + Shift + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 1°.

Jid-gaabyo loogu talagalay faallooyinka, qoraallada, iyo in ka badan

Waxaad xitaa ku tafatiri kartaa qoraallada hoose iyo madaxyada oo leh dhowr jid-gaaban. Ma u baahan tahay inaad si degdeg ah uga jawaabto faallo uu sameeyay madaxaaga ama tifaftirahaaga? Dhib malaha, xitaa taas waxaa lagu samayn karaa waqti yar. Waa kan sida:

Ctrl + Alt + [1-6] Changes the heading style. The number between 1 and 6 determines the style that will be applied.
Ctrl + Enter Insert a page break into the document.
Ctrl + Alt + M Quickly insert a comment into the Google Docs file.
Select comment + R Leave a reply on the selected comment.
Select comment + E Resolve the selected comment.
Ctrl + Alt + F Insert a new footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Alt + E then F Move to the current footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Alt + N then F Move to the next footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Alt + P then F Move to the previous footnote.
Ctrl + Alt + X
Or press
Open the spelling/grammar check for your Google Docs file.
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Alt + Shift + ~
Enable screen reader support.

Loogu talagalay macOS:

Cmd + Option + [1-6] Changes the heading style.
Cmd + Enter Insert a page break into the document.
Cmd + Option + M Insert a comment.
Select comment + R Leave a reply on the selected comment.
Select comment + E Resolve the selected comment.
Cmd + Option + F Insert a new footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Cmd + E then F Move to the current footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Cmd + N then F Move to the next footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Cmd + P then F Move to the previous.
Cmd + Option + X
Or press
Fn + f7
Open the spelling/grammar check for your Google Docs file.
Option + Cmd + Z Enable screen reader support

Navigation iyo Menu Shortcuts

In kasta oo ay u muuqan karto mid fudud in lagu gujiyo mouse-kaaga si aad u dhex marato faylka Google Docs , aad ayay u fududahay uguna dhaqsaha badan tahay in lagu sameeyo jid-gaabyada, gaar ahaan sababta oo ah waxaad ku xidhi doontaa kuwan gaagaaban kiiboodhka qaabaynta iyo habaynta. Way fududahay inaadan gabi ahaanba gacmahaaga ka qaadin kiiboodhka, oo aad wax kasta ku samayso dhawr tabo.

Ctrl + F Find a word or phrase in your Google Docs file.
Ctrl + G Repeat the search.
Ctrl + H Find a word or a phrase in a Google Docs file and replace it with another.
Ctrl + Shift + X Bring up the context menu for faster editing or inserting links and emojis.
Alt + F
Alt + Shift+ F
(for browsers other than Chrome)
Bring up the file menu.
Alt + O
Alt + Shift + O
(for browsers other than Chrome)
Bring up the format menu.
Alt + V
Bring up the view menu.
Alt + E
Bring up the edit menu.
Alt + H Bring up the help menu.
Alt + A Bring up the accessibility menu when the screen reader is on.
Alt + T
Bring up the tools menu.
Ctrl + Shift + F Enter the compact mode/ Hide all the menus.
Page Up Move the page up.
Page Down Move the page down.

Loogu talagalay macOS:

Cmd + F Find a word or phrase in your Google Docs file.
Cmd + G Repeat the search.
Cmd + H Find a word or a phrase and replace it with another.
Cmd + Shift + \ Bring up the context menu.
Ctrl + Option + F Bring up the file menu.
Ctrl + Option + O Bring up the format menu.
Ctrl + Option + V Bring up the view menu.
Ctrl + Option + E Bring up the edit menu.
Ctrl + Option + H Bring up the help menu.
Ctrl + Option + A Bring up the accessibility menu when the screen reader is on.
Ctrl + Option + T Bring up the tools menu.
Ctrl + Shift + F Enter the compact mode/ Hide all the menus.
Fn + up Move the page up.
Fn + down Move the page down.

Haddii aad tahay qoraa buuxinaya boggaga Google Docs ee aan dhammaadka lahayn ama isticmaale marmar ah, furaha kiiboodhka ayaa wanaajin doona socodkaaga shaqada marka aad la qabsato. Hubi inaad ku tababarto maalin kasta si aad u dhisto caado. Sidoo kale, ka fiiri maqaalkeena ku saabsan furayaasha kumbuyuutarka ee Microsoft Excel(Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts) ugu fiican si aad u noqoto sayid xaashida.

About the author

Ganacsi ahaan, waxay ku saabsan tahay abuurista qiimaha macaamiishaada iyo macaamiishaada. Waxaan diiradda saarayaa bixinta tilmaamo tallaabo-tallaabo ah oo ka caawinaya akhristayaashayda inay sida ugu badan uga faa'iidaystaan ​​qalabkooda iyo software-kooda, anigoo isticmaalaya Microsoft Office. Xirfadahayga waxaa ka mid ah kiiboodhka iyo rakibida darawalada, iyo sidoo kale taageerada Microsoft Office. Sannadaha aan khibrad u leeyahay warshadaha, waxaan kaa caawin karaa inaad daboosho baahi kasta oo hardware ama software ah oo aad u baahan tahay.

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