Adkee ilaalinta Difaaca Windows ilaa heerarka ugu sarreeya ee Windows 10

Microsoft waxay ku dhawaaqday xarun cusub oo Windows Defender Security Center oo ka bilaabmaysa Windows 10 v1703 tani waxay sahlaysaa in la beddelo goobaha amniga ee kombayutaradayada. Sida caadiga ah, Difaaca Windows(Windows Defender) waxaa loo dejiyay qaab ilaalin hooseeya tan iyo tani waxay nolosheena ka dhigi doontaa mid sahlan iyadoo la soo rogayo xaddidaadyo yar, laakiin maamulayaasha IT-ga waxay awood u siin karaan Ilaalinta Cloud(Cloud Protection) oo ay beddelaan jaangooyooyinka Siyaasadda Kooxda(Group Policy) - Isku-dubarid Block(Configure Block) at Aragga Koowaad(First Sight) , Hagaajinta(Configure) goobta maxalliga ah si aad u soo sheegto , oo Ku biir Microsoft MAPS(Join Microsoft MAPS) ( Adeegga Ilaalinta Sare ee Microsoft(Microsoft Advanced Protection Service) ) ama SpyNet , si aad u dejisoDifaaca Windows(Windows Defender Antivirus) -ka-hortagga fayraska ayaa xannibaya ilaalinta ilaa heerarka ugu sarreeya.

(Harden Windows Defender)Adkee ilaalinta Difaaca Windows ee Windows 10

Ku orod gpedit.msc si aad u furto Tifaftiraha Siyaasadda Kooxda(Group Policy Editor) oo u gudub jidka soo socda:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender Antivirus > Maps

Halkan waxaad ku arki doontaa 4 settings:

  • Ku biir Khariidadaha Microsoft
  • Ku xidh Block at feature First Sight
  • Habee(Configure) meesha meesha ka saaraysa si aad uga warbixiso Microsoft MAPS
  • Soo dir(Send) muunado faylal ah marka falanqayn dheeraad ah loo baahdo.

Waxaad u habayn kartaa dejinta Difaaca Windows si waafaqsan shuruudahaaga.

1] Ku biir Khariidadaha Microsoft

Si aad ugu biirto Adeegga Ilaalinta Sarreysa ee Microsoft (Microsoft Advanced Protection Service), laba-guji Ku biir Khariidadaha Microsoft(Join Microsoft Maps) . Sanduuqa Properties ee furmay, dooro " Enabled ."

This policy setting allows you to join Microsoft MAPS. Microsoft MAPS is the online community that helps you choose how to respond to potential threats. The community also helps stop the spread of new malicious software infections. You can choose to send basic or additional information about detected software. Additional information helps Microsoft create new definitions and help it to protect your computer. This information can include things like location of detected items on your computer if harmful software was removed. The information will be automatically collected and sent. In some instances, personal information might unintentionally be sent to Microsoft. However, Microsoft will not use this information to identify you or contact you.

Waxaad halkan ku haysataa 3 doorasho – Naafada(Disabled) , xubinnimada aasaasiga ah(Basic) iyo xubinnimada sare(Advanced) .

2] Ku qaabbi(Configure Block) xannibaadda muuqaalka First Sight

Kadib ku biirista MAPS , waxaad laba jeer gujin kartaa 0n Block at Aragtida Kowaad(Block at First Sight) oo dooro Enabled gudaha sanduuqa Guryaha .(Properties)

This feature ensures the device checks in real time with the Microsoft Active Protection Service (MAPS) before allowing certain content to be run or accessed. If this feature is disabled, the check will not occur, which will lower the protection state of the device.

Habkani waxa uu u baahan yahay in dejimaha Siyaasadda Kooxda(Group Policy) loo dejiyo sida soo socota: Ku biir Microsoft MAPS(Join Microsoft MAPS) waa in la hawlgeliyaa, soo dir muunado faylka marka falanqayn dheeraad ah loo baahdo(Send file samples when further analysis is required) waa in la dejiyaa si loo diro muunado badbaado leh(Send safe samples) ama dir dhammaan muunadaha(Send all samples) , Baadhitaanka dhammaan faylasha la soo dejiyey iyo(Scan all downloaded files and attachments) siyaasadda lifaaqyada waa in la dejiyaa. la karti iyo Deminta siyaasadda ilaalinta waqtiga-dhabta ah waa inaan la hawlgelin.(Turn off real-time protection)

3] Habee(Configure) meesha meesha ka saaraysa si aad uga warbixiso MAPS Microsoft(Microsoft MAPS)

Isku- dubbarid meel-marinta goobta maxalliga ah ee ka warbixinta goobta MAPS ee Microsoft(Configure local setting override for reporting to Microsoft MAPS) waxay u oggolaanaysaa isticmaalayaasha inay ka hormariyaan Siyaasadda Kooxda(Group Policy) si aakhirka u oggolaato inay isla taas beddelaan.

This policy setting configures a local override for the configuration to join Microsoft MAPS. This setting can only be set by Group Policy. If you enable this setting, the local preference setting will take priority over Group Policy.

Waxaad u baahan tahay inaad laba jeer gujiso oo dooro Enabled ee sanduuqa Properties ee furmaya. Marka sifadan karti loo yeesho waxay socodsiin doontaa hubinta wakhtiga dhabta ah waxayna go'aan ka gaadhi doontaa in loo ogolaado in nuxurku socdo iyo in kale.

4] Soo dir(Send) muunado faylal ah marka falanqayn dheeraad ah loo baahdo

Soo dir muunadaha faylka marka falanqayn dheeraad ah loo baahdo(Send file samples when further analysis is required) dejinta waxay kuu ogolaan doontaa inaad dhammaan muunada si toos ah ugu dirto Microsoft si aad u baarto.

This policy setting configures behaviour of samples submission when opt-in for MAPS telemetry is set. The possible options are: Always prompt, Send safe samples automatically, Never send and Send all samples automatically.

Waxaad u baahan tahay inaad laba jeer gujiso oo dooro Enabled ee sanduuqa Properties ee furmaya.

Markaad tan samaysay, waxaad u gudbi kartaa inaad dejiso heerka ilaalinta Cloud ee Difaaca Windows.(Having done this, you can move on to set the Cloud protection level for Windows Defender.)

5] Ka dooro heerka Ilaalinta Cloud ee Difaaca (Select Cloud Protection)Windows(Windows Defender)

Adkee ilaalinta Difaaca Windows ee Windows 10

Heerka ilaalinta daruuraha sidoo kale waxaa lagu suurtagelin karaa iyadoo la adeegsanayo Siyaasadda Kooxda(Group Policy) adoo booqanaya dariiqa soo socda:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender Antivirus > MpEngine

Shaxda saxda ah, waxaad arki doontaa Xulo heerka ilaalinta(Select protection level) . Laba jeer ku dhufo si aad u furto sanduuqa Guryaha(Properties) ka dibna dooro karti(Enabled) . Waxaad arki doontaa laba ikhtiyaar oo la bixiyo:

  1. Heerka xannibaadda Kahortagayaasha Difaaca Windows -ka ee caadiga ah(Windows Defender Antivirus)
  2. Heerka xannibaadda sare

Dooro heerka xannibaadda sare(High blocking level) oo guji Codso.

This policy setting determines how aggressive Windows Defender Antivirus will be in blocking and scanning suspicious files. If this setting is on, Windows Defender Antivirus will be more aggressive when identifying suspicious files to block and scan; otherwise, it will be less aggressive and therefore block and scan with less frequency.

Akhri(Read) : Sida loo suurtageliyo oo loo habeeyo Ilaalinta Ransomware ee Difaaca Windows(Ransomware Protection in Windows Defender) .

6] Habee hubinta daruuraha fidsan

Hoosta goobaha MpEngine , waxa kale oo aad arki doontaa  Habee goob hubinta daruuraha fidsan(Configure extended cloud check) . Haddii aad rabto, waxa kale oo aad awood u yeelan kartaa goobtan

This feature allows Windows Defender Antivirus to block a suspicious file for up to 60 seconds, and scan it in the cloud to make sure it’s safe. The typical cloud check timeout is 10 seconds. To enable the extended cloud check feature, specify the extended time in seconds, up to an additional 50 seconds.

TALO(TIP) : Ka dhig Difaaca Windows inuu kaa ilaaliyo barnaamijyada suurtagalka ah ee aan la rabin(Make Windows Defender protect you against Potentially Unwanted Programs too) .

7 ] Karti(] Enable) oo deji heerka Ilaalinta daruuraha ilaa (Cloud Protection)Sare(High) adoo isticmaalaya Diiwaanka(Registry)

Haddii aad tahay isticmaale Windows 10 Guriga(Home) , markaa waxaad isticmaali kartaa Diiwaanka Windows(Windows Registry) oo waxaad hagaajin kartaa goobaha qaarkood. Si tan loo sameeyo, ku qor regedit.exe gudaha Start Search oo ku dhufo Gelida(Enter) si aad u furto Tifaftiraha Diiwaanka(Registry Editor) . Hadda u gudub furaha soo socda:

HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender

Dhinaca bidix, midig-guji Windows Defender, dooro Cusub> Furaha oo magaca Spynet furaha . Midig ku dhufo Spynet oo mar labaad dooro New > Dword (32-bit) oo u magacow SpynetReporting. (SpynetReporting.)U deji qiimaheeda 2 si aad ugu dejiso heerka Sare.

Hadda, mar labaad midig-guji furaha Difaaca Windows(Windows Defender) kaas oo ka muuqda dhinaca bidix oo dooro New > Key . Markan furaha u magacaw MpEngine(MpEngine) . Midig ku dhufo furaha MpEngine oo dooro New > Dword (32-bit) qiimaha. U magacow furaha MpCloudBlockLevel oo sii qiimaha 2 si aad ugu dejiso heerka xannibaadda Sare.

Qalabka ku caawin kara:(Tools that may help you:)

  1. ConfigureDefender wuxuu kaa caawinayaa inaad beddesho dejimaha Amniga Windows isla markaaba(Windows Security)
  2. Qalabka WinDefThreatsView(WinDefThreatsView) wuxuu kuu ogolaanayaa inaad dejiso ficillada caadiga ah ee hanjabaadaha Difaaca Windows .(Windows Defender)

About the author

Waxaan ahay khabiir kombuyuutar, waxaanan ku takhasusay aaladaha iOS. Waxaan dadka caawinayay tan iyo 2009, waayo-aragnimadayda wax-soo-saarka Apple ayaa iga dhigaysa qofka ugu habboon ee ka caawinaya baahiyahooda tignoolajiyada. Xirfadeyda waxaa ka mid ah: - Dayactirka iyo cusboonaysiinta iPhones iyo iPod-yada -Rakida iyo isticmaalka software Apple - Ka caawinta dadka inay helaan apps-ka ugu fiican ee iPhones iyo iPod-yada - Ka shaqaynta mashaariicda onlaynka ah

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