Daabacaada Windows Server 2022 marka la barbar dhigo lagana wada hadlay

The Windows Server 2022  waa la heli karaa oo waxay la socotaa amniga lakabyo badan oo horumarsan, awoodaha isku dhafan ee Azure , iyo madal codsi dabacsan. Waxay leedahay awood la sugay oo xudunta u ah si ay uga caawiso ilaalinta qalabka, firmware-ka, iyo awoodaha Windows Server OS ee khataraha amniga horumarsan. Secured-core servers waxay ku saleysan yihiin teknoolojiyadda sida Windows Defender System Guard iyo (Windows Defender System Guard)Amniga(Security) ku saleysan Virtualization si loo yareeyo halista dayacanka firmware-ka iyo malware-ka horumarsan.

Xidhiidhku sidoo kale wuu ka sii xafidan yahay sidii hore iyadoo leh si dhakhso leh oo aad loo sugay isku xidhka HTTPS , heerka warshadaha SMB AES 256 iyo dhawr kale oo badan.

Marka la barbar dhigo daabacaadyadii hore ee Server -ka, (Server)Windows Server 2022 waxa kale oo ay wanaajisaa maamulka isku-dhafka ah ee server-ka iyada oo si weyn loo hagaajiyay maamulka VM, daawade dhacdo oo la xoojiyey oo leh astaamo badan oo laga heli karo Xarunta Maamulka Windows(Windows Admin Center) . Waxa jira horumaro lagu sameeyay weelasha Windows , sida cabbirada sawirada yaryar ee soo dejinta degdega ah, hirgelinta siyaasada shabakada oo la fududeeyay, iyo agabka weelka ee codsiyada NET.

Daabacaada Windows Server 2022 marka la barbar dhigo

Daabacaada Windows Server 2022 marka(Editions) la barbar dhigo

Waxaa jira saddex qaybood oo Windows Server 2022 ah :

  1. Heerka
  2. Xarunta Xogta
  3. Datacenter: Azure Edition

Microsoft ayaa si faahfaahsan u faahfaahisay sifada mid kasta oo ka mid ah daabacadahan.

1] Windows Server 2022 Edition Standard(Standard Edition)

Daabacaada caadiga ah ee (Standard Edition)Windows Server 2022 waa nooca koowaad ee saddexda ka mid ah. In kasta oo ay ka buuxaan dhammaan sifooyinka guud, haddana way tebaysaa Hotpatching iyo Isku-xidhka Software-qeexidda( Hotpatching and Software-defined Networking) .

Xulashada nuqulka kaydinta(Storage Replica) ayaa diyaar ah (1 iskaashi iyo 1 koox kheyraad ah oo leh hal mug 2TB ah), si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxay wayday qaabka tooska ah ee boosaska kaydinta(Storage Spaces Direct ) . Waxay ku siinaysaa ikhtiyaar laba mashiin(two virtual machines) oo farsamaysan , oo lagu daray hal Hyper-V martigeliyaha shati kasta(Hyper-V host per license) oo ay la socoto 2 Virtual OSE/Hyper-V isolated Containers.

ilaaliyaha ilaaliyaha Hyper-V Taageerada(Host Guardian Hyper-V Support) looma hayo nooca caadiga(Standard) ah.

2] Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Edition

Daabacaadda Datacenter(Datacenter Edition) ee Windows Server 2022 waa tallaabo ka sarraysa Daabcaadda Heerka(Standard Edition) . Inkasta oo Hotpatching aan sidoo kale laga heli karin halkan, si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa ku jira Shabakadda-Qeexsan Software( Software-defined Networking) . Daabacaadda Datacenter waxa ay bixisaa nuqul Kaydinta aan xadidnayn(unlimited Storage Replica) oo ay ku jirto sifada Tooska(Storage Spaces Direct ) ah ee Goobaha Kaydinta sidoo kale . Firfircoonida la dhaxlo waxa loo samayn karaa martigeliyaha ama martida ahaan.

Tallaabo ka sarreysa Daabacaadda Heerka(Standard Edition) , Daabacaadda Datacenter(Datacenter Edition) waxay bixisaa mashiinno Virtual(Virtual machines) aan xadidnayn , oo lagu daray hal Hyper-V martigeliyaha shati kasta(Hyper-V host per license) oo ay la socdaan Weelasha aan xadidnayn (unlimited )Virtual OSE/Hyper-V isolated Containers.

Ka Maqan Heerarka(Standard) , Taageerada Martigeliyaha Wakiilka Hyper-V(Host Guardian Hyper-V Support) ayaa diyaar u ah Daabacaada Datacenter(Datacenter Edition) . Sidoo kale, waxaa jira taageero loogu talagalay Mashiinnada Farshaxanka(Shielded Virtual Machines) ee Difaaca ee aan laga heli karin Edition Standard(Standard Edition) .

3] Windows Server 2022 Datacenter : Azure Edition

The Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Daabacaadda Azure(Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition) waa kan ugu sarreeya ee 3 iyo sida magacu sheegayo waxaa lagu taageeraa Azure ( Azure IaaS ama Azure Stack HCI - 21H2 ) waxayna bixisaa sifooyin gaar ah oo aan laga heli karin meel ka baxsan deegaannadan ( Hotpatching , SMB ka sarreeya QUIC(QUIC) , iyo Azure Extended Networking ). Hotpatching gaar ahaan waa muuqaal aad u fiican halkan, kaas oo u ogolaanaya maamulayaasha inay dabaqaan balastar la'aan iyagoon dib u kicin, iyo SMB ka sarreeya QUIC(QUIC) , si ammaan ah loo galo faylasha la wadaago ee internetka iyada oo aan la dhibin dejinta VPN .

Xarunta maamulka waxaa ku jira liiska Azure Hybrid Center ,(Admin Center) Azure Kubernetes (Azure Kubernetes)Services , Azure Backup , Azure File Sync , Azure Monitor , iyo Azure Security Center .

Ka hadalka sifooyinka kale, oo ahaanshaha ugu sarreeya saddexda, waxaa ku jira dhammaan sifooyinka kale ee nooca Standard iyo Datacenter la yimaado.

Heerka(Standard) vs Datacenter vs Datacenter : Azure - Dhammaan sifooyinka isbarbardhigga

Tilmaamaha la heli karo guud ahaan

Features available generallyWindows Server 2022 StandardWindows Server 2022 DatacenterWindows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition
Azure Extended NetworkNoNoYes
Best Practices AnalyzerYesYesYes
Direct AccessYesYesYes
Dynamic Memory (in virtualization)YesYesYes
Hot Add/Replace RAMYesYesYes
Microsoft Management ConsoleYesYesYes
Minimal Server InterfaceYesYesYes
Network Load BalancingYesYesYes
Windows PowerShellYesYesYes
Server Core installation optionYesYesYes
Server ManagerYesYesYes
SMB Direct and SMB over RDMAYesYesYes (not supported in Azure)
SMB over QUICNoNoYes
Software-defined NetworkingNoYesYes
Storage Migration ServiceYesYesYes
Storage ReplicaYes, (1 partnership and 1 resource group with a single 2TB volume)Yes, unlimitedYes, unlimited
Storage SpacesYesYesYes
Storage Spaces DirectNoYesYes
Volume Activation ServicesYesYesYes
VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) integrationYesYesYes
Windows Server Update ServicesYesYesYes
Windows System Resource ManagerYesYesYes
Server license loggingYesYesYes
Inherited activationAs guest if hosted on DatacenterCan be a host or a guestCan be a host or a guest
Work FoldersYesYesYes

Quful iyo Xadid

Locks and LimitsWindows Server 2022 StandardWindows Server 2022 Datacenter
Maximum number of usersBased on CALsBased on CALs
Maximum SMB connections16,777,21616,777,216
Maximum RRAS connectionsUnlimitedUnlimited
Maximum IAS connections2,147,483,6472,147,483,647
Maximum RDS connections65,53565,535
Maximum number of 64-bit sockets6464
Maximum number of coresUnlimitedUnlimited
Maximum RAM48 TB48 TB
Can be used as virtualization guestYes; 2 virtual machines, plus one Hyper-V host per licenseYes; unlimited virtual machines, plus one Hyper-V host per license
Windows Server ContainersUnlimitedUnlimited
Virtual OSE/Hyper-V isolated Containers2Unlimited
Server can join a domainYesYes
Edge network protection/firewallNoNo
DLNA codecs and web media streamingYes, if installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, if installed as Server with Desktop Experience

Doorarka server-ka

Windows Server roles availableRole servicesWindows Server 2022 StandardWindows Server 2022 Datacenter
Active Directory Certificate ServicesYesYes
Active Directory Domain ServicesYesYes
Active Directory Federation ServicesYesYes
AD Lightweight Directory ServicesYesYes
AD Rights Management ServicesYesYes
Device Health AttestationYesYes
DHCP ServerYesYes
DNS ServerYesYes
Fax ServerYesYes
File and Storage ServicesFile ServerYesYes
File and Storage ServicesBranchCache for Network FilesYesYes
File and Storage ServicesData DeduplicationYesYes
File and Storage ServicesDFS NamespacesYesYes
File and Storage ServicesDFS ReplicationYesYes
File and Storage ServicesFile Server Resource ManagerYesYes
File and Storage ServicesFile Server VSS Agent ServiceYesYes
File and Storage ServicesiSCSI Target ServerYesYes
File and Storage ServicesiSCSI Target Storage ProviderYesYes
File and Storage ServicesServer for NFSYesYes
File and Storage ServicesWork FoldersYesYes
File and Storage ServicesStorage ServicesYesYes
Host Guardian ServiceYesYes
Hyper-VYesYes; including Shielded Virtual Machines
Network ControllerNoYes
Network Policy and Access ServicesYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
Print and Document ServicesYesYes
Remote AccessYesYes
Remote Desktop ServicesYesYes
Volume Activation ServicesYesYes
Web Services (IIS)YesYes
Windows Deployment ServicesYesYes
Windows Server Essentials ExperienceNoNo
Windows Server Update ServicesYesYes

la xidhiidha(Related) :  Windows Server 2022 vs 2019 vs 2016 Farqiga u gaarka ah


Windows Server Features availableWindows Server 2022 StandardWindows Server 2022 Datacenter
.NET Framework 3.5YesYes
.NET Framework 4.8YesYes
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)YesYes
BitLocker Drive EncryptionYesYes
BitLocker Network UnlockYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
Client for NFSYesYes
Data Center BridgingYesYes
Direct PlayYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
Enhanced StorageYesYes
Failover ClusteringYesYes
Group Policy ManagementYesYes
Host Guardian Hyper-V SupportNoYes
I/O Quality of ServiceYesYes
IIS Hostable Web CoreYesYes
Internet Printing ClientYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
IP Address Management (IPAM) ServerYesYes
LPR Port MonitorYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
Management OData IIS ExtensionYesYes
Media FoundationYesYes
Message QueueingYesYes
Microsoft Defender AntivirusInstalledInstalled
Multipath I/OYesYes
MultiPoint ConnectorYesYes
Network Load BalancingYesYes
Network VirtualizationYesYes
Peer Name Resolution ProtocolYesYes
Quality Windows Audio Video ExperienceYesYes
RAS Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK)Yes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
Remote AssistanceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
Remote Differential CompressionYesYes
Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT)YesYes
RPC over HTTP ProxyYesYes
Setup and Boot Event CollectionYesYes
Simple TCP/IP ServicesYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing SupportInstalledInstalled
SMB Bandwidth LimitYesYes
SMTP ServerYesYes
SNMP ServiceYesYes
Software Load BalancerYesYes
Software Migration ServiceYesYes
Software Migration Service ProxyYesYes
Storage ReplicaYesYes
System Data ArchiverYesYes
System InsightsYesYes
Telnet ClientYesYes
TFTP ClientYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
VM Shielding Tools for Fabric ManagementYesYes
WebDAV RedirectorYesYes
Windows Biometric FrameworkYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
Windows Identity Foundation 3.5Yes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
Windows Internal DatabaseYesYes
Windows PowerShell 5.1InstalledInstalled
Windows PowerShell 2.0 EngineYesYes
Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration ServiceYesYes
Windows PowerShell Web AccessYesYes
Windows Process Activation ServiceYesYes
Windows Search ServiceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
Windows Server BackupYesYes
Windows Server Migration ToolsYesYes
Windows Standards-Based Storage ManagementYesYes
Windows Subsystem for LinuxYesYes
Windows TIFF IFilterYes, when installed as Server with Desktop ExperienceYes, when installed as Server with Desktop Experience
WinRM IIS ExtensionYesYes
WINS ServerYesYes
Wireless LAN ServiceYesYes
WoW64 supportInstalledInstalled
XPS ViewerInstalled with Server with Desktop ExperienceInstalled with Server with Desktop Experience

la xidhiidha(Related) : Shuruudaha Hardware ee Windows Server 2022(Hardware Requirements for Windows Server 2022) .

Waa maxay wareegga nolosha ee taageerada Windows Server 2022

Wakhtigeeda dhamaadka ah ee caadiga ahi waa Oktoobar 13(October 13) , 2026, taariikhdeeduna dhamaadka waxay tahay Oktoobar 14(October 14) , 2031.

Waa maxay fursadaha rakibida ee Windows 2022 ?

Alaabta Windows Server 2022 waxay la socotaa ikhtiyaarka rakibaadda Core iyo Desktop labadaba daabacadaha oo dhan. Xuddunta ayaa ah ikhtiyaarka rakibaadda lugaha hoose ee aan madaxa lahayn ee la soo jeediyay sida ugu habboon ee maareynta fog iyo ujeedooyinka otomaatiga. Doorashada rakibaadda Desktop -ka, waxay ku rakibtaa server-ka leh is-dhexgal garaaf ahaan isticmaale, kaas oo ah hab dhaqan ahaan loo isticmaalo si kastaba ha ahaatee laguma talinayo hay'adaha fulinaya otomaatignimada ballaaran.

About the author

Waxaan ahay injineer software leh in ka badan 10 sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah horumarinta iyo dayactirka Windows 11 ama 10 codsiyada. Waxaan sidoo kale khibrad u leeyahay la shaqeynta Google Docs iyo Microsoft Edge. Xirfadahayga meelahan ayaa iga dhigaya musharax aad u wanaagsan doorarka injineernimada software mustaqbalka.

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