Jidadka Keyboard-ka ee Microsoft PowerPoint ee ugu Wanaagsan
Microsoft Office PowerPoint ayaa wali si caadi ah loo isticmaalaa abuurista bandhigyo garaafeed ee shirkadda iyo waxbarashada adduunka oo dhan. Malaayiin qof ayaa isticmaala maalin kasta. Inkasta oo ay tahay software cadaalad ah, abuurista bandhigtu waxay qaadataa wakhti. Markaa maxaad u dedejin weyday hawsha oo aad u isticmaali weyday furayaasha furaha ee Powerpoint si aad u horumariso socodkaaga shaqada?(Powerpoint)
Liistada gaaban ee halkan lagu soo bandhigay waa qayb yar oo ka mid ah dhammaan jid-gaabyada la heli karo. Maqaalkan, waxaan isku dayeynaa inaan ilaalino oo keliya furayaasha PowerPoint(PowerPoint) ee inta badan la isticmaalo . Jid-gaabyada kale waxay noqon karaan kuwo hawl gaar ah u gaar ah oo faa'iido leh marka ay jiraan xaalado faro-ku-tiris ah, markaa ma dhibayso iyaga.
Maskaxda ku hay in jidadkan gaaban ay ku shaqayn doonaan dhammaan noocyada PowerPoint . Uma baahnid inaad rakibto noocii ugu dambeeyay si aad u isticmaasho.
Taasi waxay tidhi, hubi inaad sidoo kale hubiso maqaaladeena ku saabsan furayaasha furayaasha Microsoft Word(best Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts) ee ugu fiican iyo furayaasha furaha furaha ee Microsoft Excel ugu fiican(best Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts) si aad u noqoto isticmaale awooda Microsoft Office .
1. Gabagabada Keyboard-ka PowerPoint ee Guud(PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts)
Furayaashan gaaban ee PowerPoint ayaa kaa caawin doona inaad dhex marato ribbon, fur oo xidhid bandhigyo, ama u kala beddelo bandhigyo badan. Waxa laga yaabaa inaad horeba u taqaannay qaarkood maadaama ay la mid yihiin fur-gaabyada loo isticmaalo abka kale ama daalacashada shabakadda.
Ctrl+N | Create a new presentation. |
Ctrl+O | Open already existing presentation |
Ctrl+S | Saves a presentation that is currently open |
Alt+F2 or F12 | Opens a Save As dialog box |
Ctrl+Q | Save and close a presentation |
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 | Close currently active presentation |
F1 | Opens the Help panel |
F7 | Check spelling |
F10 or Alt | Turns the key tips on and off |
Ctrl+F1 | Expand or collapse the ribbon |
Ctrl+F2 | Enter Print Preview mode |
Ctrl+Tab | Switch between multiple opened presentations |
Ctrl+Z | Undo the last action |
Ctrl+Y | Redo the last action |
Ctrl+F | Open the find dialog box |
Alt+G | Navigate to the Design tab |
Alt+A | Navigate to the Animation tab |
Alt+K | Navigate to the Transition tab |
Alt+S | Navigate to the Slide Show tab |
Alt+F | Navigate to the File menu |
Alt+H | Navigate to the Home tab |
Alt+N | Open the Insert tab |
Alt+W | Navigate to the View tab |
Alt+R | Open the Review Tab |
Alt+X | Navigate to the Add-ins tab |
2. Xulashada iyo ku dhex- socoshada (Navigating)soo bandhigida PowerPoint(PowerPoint Presentation)
Kooxdan furayaasha gaagaaban ayaa kaa caawin doona inaad si dhakhso leh ugu gudubto dhammaan bandhigga oo aad doorato qoraalka, sanduuqyada, sawirada, ama walxaha qaarkood ee ku dhex jira boggaga. Halkii aad isticmaali lahayd mouse-kaaga, dooro fur-gaabyada kiiboodhka, waxa ay ku badbaadin doontaa wakhti badan.
Home | Go to the beginning of a line in a textbox, or to the first slide in the presentation |
End | Go to the end of a line in a textbox, or to the last slide in the presentation |
Page Up | Go to the previous slide |
Page Down | Go to the next slide |
Ctrl+Up Arrow | Move a slide in your presentation up |
Ctrl+Down Arrow | Move a slide in your presentation down |
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow | Move a slide to the beginning of the presentation |
Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow | Move a slide to the end of the presentation |
Ctrl+A | Select all slides in a presentation (in slide sorter view), all texts in text boxes, or all objects on a slide |
Tab | Move to the next object in the slide, or select it |
Shift+Tab | Move to the previous object in the slide, or select it |
Alt+Q | Navigate to Tell me what you want to do |
3. Habaynta iyo Tafatirka Bandhiga PowerPoint(PowerPoint Presentation)
Ka dib markaad sameyso abuurista bandhig, waxaad xoogga saari kartaa inaad u ekaato mid wanaagsan. Ku qaabee bandhigaaga PowerPoint ama si dhakhso leh ugu tafatir furayaashan kiiboodhka. Sidoo kale, xasuuso inaad had iyo jeer ku bilaabi karto qaab-dhismeedka PowerPoint(PowerPoint template) ee xirfadlaha ah si aad u badbaadiso waqti badan.
Ctrl+C | Copy the selected text, objects in slide, or slides in presentation |
Ctrl+X | Cut the selected text, objects in slide, or slides in presentation |
Ctrl+V | Paste previously copied or cut text, objects, or slides |
Delete | Delete the previously selected text, object, or a slide |
Ctrl+Backspace | Delete a word to the left |
Ctrl+Delete | Delete a word to the right |
Ctrl+B | Bold the selected text. Press again to remove bold |
Ctrl+I | Make the selected text Italic. Press again to remove the Italic |
Ctrl+U | Underline the selected text. Press again to remove the underline |
Ctrl+E | Align the selected text to the center |
Ctrl+L | Align the selected text to the left |
Ctrl+R | Align the selected text to the right |
Ctrl+J | Justify the selected text |
Ctrl+T | Open the font dialog box for the selected text object |
Ctrl+G | Group items together |
Ctrl+Shift+G | Ungroup items |
Ctrl+K (on selected text or object) | Insert hyperlink |
Ctrl+M | Insert new slide |
Ctrl+D | Duplicate a selected object or slide |
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow | Increase the size of the font |
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow | Decrease the size of the font |
Alt+W then Q | CHange the Zoom for the slides |
Ctrl++ | Make the selected text a superscript |
Ctrl+= | Make the selected text subscript |
Hold Alt + N and then P | Insert a Picture |
Hold Alt+H then S then H | Insert a shape |
Hold Alt+H then L | Select a layout for a slide |
4. Soo Bandhigidaada
Marka aad ku qanacdo sida bandhiga PowerPoint-kaagu u noqday, waa waqtigii aad u geyn lahayd asxaabtaada, madaxaaga, ama macalinka. Jidadka gaaban ee kiiboodhkan ayaa kaa caawin doona inaad u ekaato xirfadle.
F5 | Start the presentation from the beginning |
Shift+F5 | Start the presentation from the current slide |
Alt+F5 | Start the presentation in Presenter View |
Right Arrow (or Enter) | Navigate to the next slide or animation |
Left Arrow | Navigate to the previous slide or animation |
Home | Restart the presentation from the first slide |
End | Quickly go to the last slide |
S | Start or stop playing automatic presentation |
Slide number+enter | Go to a specific slide |
Ctrl+S | Open All Slides dialog box |
Esc | Exit the presentation |
B or W | To pause the presentation and enter a blank (black or white) screen |
Ctrl+L | Change the cursor into a laser dot |
Ctrl+P | Live draw on presentation with a pen |
E | Erase anything drawn with a pen |
Ctrl+H | Hide navigation controls |
Isticmaal Keyboard-ka Gaaban
Maskaxda ku hay in furayaasha kiiboodhka PowerPoint ee kore ay ugu horrayn yihiin mishiinnada Windows . Si kastaba ha ahaatee, intooda badan waxay la mid yihiin Mac sidoo kale. Markaad ku jirto Windows waxaad u baahan tahay inaad riixdo Ctrl inta badan furayaasha , Mac waxaad riixi doontaa furaha Cmd ( Command ).
Jidadka gaaban ee kiiboodhka PowerPoint(PowerPoint) ayaa lagama maarmaan u ah hagaajinta hufnaanta socodka shaqadaada waana inaad barataa ugu yaraan kuwa aasaasiga ah. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaad, waqti ka dib, xasuusan doontaa kuwa aad u isticmaasho.
Haddii aad u aragto inay ku caawinayso, waxaad xitaa daabacan kartaa liiskan furayaasha furaha ee Powerpoint(Powerpoint keyboard) , oo aad ku ilaaliso agteeda goobta shaqada. Sidan ayaad ku milicsan kartaa oo aad isticmaali kartaa jidka gaaban ee ku habboon wakhti kasta.
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