Liiska amarrada DISKPART iyo sida loogu isticmaalo gudaha Windows 11/10

Daaqadaha waxa ay la socotaa qalab la dhisay —Maaraynta Disk-(Disk Management) kaas oo bixisa xal dhamaystiran oo lagu maamulayo Hard Disk-yada kumbiyuutarka. Waxaad u isticmaali kartaa inaad hoos u dhigto mugga, kordhiso mugga ama cabbirka qaybta, abuurto kuwa cusub, iyo wixii la mid ah. Interface-ka isticmaalaha waxa lagu dhisay iyada oo la isticmaalayo amarrada kala duwan - DISKPART - oo ka shaqeeya PowerShell ama Command Prompt . Waxay ku imanaysaa anfaca markaad u baahato inaad socodsiiso amarro adag oo aad la shaqeyso disk-ga casriga ah. Utility Diskpart(Diskpart) wuxuu leeyahay liis amarro ah oo qofku isticmaali karo kuwaas oo lagu wadaago boostada.

Liiska amarrada Diskpart

Liiska amarrada Diskpart(Diskpart Commands) -ka ee ku jira Windows 11/10

activeMarks the disk’s partition with focus as active.
addMirrors the simple volume with focus to the specified disk.
assignAssigns a drive letter or mount point to the volume with focus.
attach vdiskAttaches (sometimes called mounts or surfaces) a virtual hard disk (VHD) so that it appears on the host computer as a local hard disk drive.
attributesDisplays or sets or clears the attributes of a disk or volume.
automountEnables or disables the automount feature.
breakBreaks the mirrored volume with focus into two simple volumes.
cleanRemoves any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus.
compact vdiskReduces the physical size of a dynamically expanding virtual hard disk (VHD) file.
convertConverts file allocation table (FAT) and FAT32 volumes to the NTFS file system, leaving existing files and directories intact.
createCreates a partition on a disk, a volume on one or more disks, or a virtual hard disk (VHD).
deleteDeletes a partition or a volume.
detach vdiskStops the selected virtual hard disk (VHD) from appearing as a local hard disk drive on the host computer.
detailDisplays information about the selected disk, partition, volume, or virtual hard disk (VHD).
exitExits the diskpart command interpreter.
expand vdiskExpands a virtual hard disk (VHD) to the size that you specify.
extendExtends the volume or partition with focus, along with its file system, into free (unallocated) space on a disk.
filesystemsDisplays information about the current file system of the volume with focus and lists the file systems that are supported for formatting the volume.
formatFormats a disk to accept Windows files.
gptAssigns the gpt attribute(s) to the partition with focus on basic GUID partition table (gpt) disks.
helpDisplays a list of the available commands or detailed help information on a specified command.
importImports a foreign disk group into the disk group of the local computer.
inactiveMarks the system partition or boot partition with focus as inactive on basic master boot record (MBR) disks.
listDisplays a list of disks, of partitions in a disk, of volumes in a disk, or of virtual hard disks (VHDs).
merge vdiskMerges a differencing virtual hard disk (VHD) with its corresponding parent VHD.
offlineTakes an online disk or volume to the offline state.
onlineTakes an offline disk or volume to the online state.
recoverRefreshes the state of all disks in a disk group, attempts to recover disks in an invalid disk group, and resynchronizes mirrored volumes and RAID-5 volumes that have stale data.
remProvides a way to add comments to a script.
removeRemoves a drive letter or mount point from a volume.
repairRepairs the RAID-5 volume with focus by replacing the failed disk region with the specified dynamic disk.
rescanLocates new disks that may have been added to the computer.
retainPrepares an existing dynamic simple volume to be used as a boot or system volume.
sanDisplays or sets the storage area network (san) policy for the operating system.
selectShifts the focus to a disk, partition, volume, or virtual hard disk (VHD).
set idChanges the partition type field for the partition with focus.
shrinkReduces the size of the selected volume by the amount you specify.
uniqueidDisplays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus.

TALO(TIP) : Waxaad dib u cabbiri kartaa qaybta xitaa haddii Maamulka Diskku uu ku guuldareysto(resize a Partition even if Disk Management fails) adeegsiga DISKPART iyo FSUTIL aaladaha(FSUTIL) taliska ee Maareynta Disk-(Disk Management) ga .

Sida loo isticmaalo Diskpart?

Amarada Diskpart

Diskpart waxay ku shaqeysaa meel u gaar ah, marka markaad maamusho amarka, ma awoodid inaad isticmaasho amarrada caadiga ah ee kaliya amarrada Diskpart -ka .

  • Ku qor CMD(Type CMD) shaashadda bilowga(Start) , oo dooro inaad u ordo(Run) sidii Maamule(Administrator)
  • Ku qor Diskpart(Type Diskpart) , oo taabo furaha Gelida(Enter) .
  • Waa inaad aragto console-ka si aad uga beddesho jidka caadiga ah ee Windows una aado Diskpart
  • Ku dhaji tan; waxaad ku bilaabi kartaa dhawr amarro aasaasi ah si aad u fahanto sida ay u shaqeyso.

Fiiro gaar ah: la soco haddii aad doorato inaad tirtirto shay, lama soo celin karo.

Amarada (Commands)Aasaasiga ah(Basic) oo yar oo lagu Bilaabo Diskpart

  • Liisaska Disk: Wuxuu muujiyaa tirada hard drives-yada ku xiran ama kaydinta
  • Dooro Disk < no> : Wuxuu doortaa saxanka gaarka ah
  • Liiska Qaybta: Waxay soo bandhigaysaa liiska qaybaha diskka la doortay
  • Mugga Liiska: Wuxuu soo bandhigayaa dhammaan qaybaha saxanka

Sida loo furo DiskPart gudaha Windows?

Fur Command Prompt oo leh mudnaanta maamulka, ku qor Diskpart , oo taabo furaha Gelida(Enter) . Waxa kale oo aad bilaabi kartaa Diskaprt adiga oo isticmaalaya Run Quick . Hubi(Make) inaad riixdo Shift + Enter si aad ugu bilowdo mudnaanta maamulka.

la xidhiidha(Related) : Fix Ma jiraan saxanno go'an oo la muujiyo(There are no fixed disks to show) .

Sideen ku taxdaa darawalada Diskpart-ka?

Marka aad gudaha u gasho Diskpart ka(Diskpart) , ku qor List Disk , tani waxay liis gareyn doontaa dhammaan kaydinta ku xidhan, oo ay ku jiraan Hard Drive-yada, Kaydka USB , Kaarka SD, ama wax kasta oo kale oo ku xidhan PC-ga.

Sideen u tirtiraa cod ama qayb?

  • Dooro Disk <maya>
  • Liiska Mugga
  • Dooro mugga <maya>
  • Tirtir Mugga

Ku dhaji tan; fariinta xaqiijinta ayaa muujin doonta in Diskpart uu si guul leh u tirtiray mugga. Taasi waxay tidhi, ma tirtiri kartid System ama Boot Volume. Haddii aadan awoodin inaad tirtirto, hubi inaad akhrido hagahan.(unable to delete it, make sure to read this guide.)

Sideen ugu meeleeyaa Warqada(Assign Drive Letter) Darawalnimada Qayb Qarsoon(Hidden) ?

Haddii qayb ka mid ah lagu arki karo qalabka Diskpart -ka laakiin aan la heli karin iyada oo loo marayo File Explorer(not available through the File Explorer) , markaa waa sababtoo ah ma jirto warqad darawal ah oo loo qoondeeyey.

  • Dooro Disk <maya>
  • Liiska Mugga
  • Dooro mugga <maya>
  • xaraf u qor=<alphabet>

Hubi(Make) in alifbeetada lagu qoray aan horay loo isticmaalin.

la xidhiidha(Related) : Ma jiro meel ku filan saxanka si loo dhamaystiro hawlgalkan .

Sidee loo dhimi karaa cabbirka(Size) qaybinta?

Inta aynaan hore u socon, la soco in tani ay tahay hawl aad u dheer. Ilaa hawshu dhammaato, waduhu wuxuu noqonayaa mid aan faa'iido lahayn.

  • Dooro Disk <maya>
  • Liiska Mugga
  • yarayn la rabo=<maya>

Tani waxay u shaqeysaa nidaamka faylka NTFS kaliya.(NTFS)

Akhri(Read) : Fix Diskpart wuxuu ku guuldareystay inuu nadiifiyo sifooyinkii diskka .

Sidee loo tirtiraa Disk -ga iyadoo la isticmaalayo Diskpart Clean Command ?

  • Ku fur amarka Diskpart -ka ee (Diskpart)Command Prompt
  • Ku qor diskka liiska(list disk) oo tabo Gelida
  • Dooro Disk -ga aad rabto inaad nadiifiso adigoo isticmaalaya select disk <no>
  • Ku qor nadiif(clean) , oo taabo furaha Gelida

Iska hubi inaadan isticmaalin dhammaan amarka nadiifka ah(clean all) ; waxay ka saari doontaa dhammaan qaybaha diskka la doortay. Sidoo kale, waxay qaadan doontaa saacad ama wax ka badan, iyadoo ku xiran xajmiga diskka, maadaama ay sameyn doonto tirtirid sugan.

la xidhiidha: (Related:) DiskPart waxay la kulantay cilad: Gelitaanka waa la diiday .

Beddelka bilaashka ah Utility Diskpart Windows(Windows Diskpart Utility)

Kuwani waa software-ka saddexaad oo bixiya interface wanaagsan iyo sifooyin marka loo eego Diskpart . Dhab ahaantii, waxaad arki doontaa dulmar isbeddelka ka hor inta aan isbeddelka la samayn. Halkan waxaa ah liis degdeg ah:

Waxaan rajeynayaa inaad awooday inaad fahamto sida loo isticmaalo, liiska amarrada guryaha Diskpart , iyo beddelka barnaamijyada Windows Diskpart(Windows Diskpart) ee aad u isticmaali karto khibrad ka sii wanaagsan.

About the author

Waxaan ahay injineer software leh in ka badan 10 sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah horumarinta iyo dayactirka Windows 11 ama 10 codsiyada. Waxaan sidoo kale khibrad u leeyahay la shaqeynta Google Docs iyo Microsoft Edge. Xirfadahayga meelahan ayaa iga dhigaya musharax aad u wanaagsan doorarka injineernimada software mustaqbalka.

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