Liiska code-yada Beep Computer-ka iyo macnahooda

Wax badan ayaa dhacaya markaad kombuyuutarkaaga kor u qaadayso. Waxa ugu horreeya ee kombuyuutarku sameeyo waa inuu hubiyaa in qalabku si fiican u shaqeynayo iyada oo loo marayo barnaamijkeeda POST(POST programme ) ama Imtixaanka Awoodda Nafta(Power On Self Test) . Waxay hubisaa ku-habboonaanta qalabka, iyo isku-xirnaanta ka hor intaysan gelin habka dhabta ah ee boot. Haddii aad dareentay, isla marka aad ku dhufatid badhanka korantada, waxay soo dirtaa hal BEEP , ka dibna kabaha. Codkan keliya ma aha shay random ah. Waxay ka dhigan tahay in wax walba ay OK yihiin heerka qalabka. Haddaba ma jiraan qaab dhawaaq kale? Haa, way jirtaa. Fiiri  liiska codadka Beep Computerka(Computer Beep codes) iyo macnahooda.

Koombiyuutarka Beep Codes

Liiska Codsiyada Beep Computerka

  • adabtarada AC
  • Awoodda guddiga nidaamka
  • Processor-xumada
  • Musuqmaasuqa BIOS
  • Xusuus-xumada
  • Fashilka sawirada
  • Guuldarrooyinka guddiga nidaamka
  • Xaqiijinta BIOS fashilantay

Maadaama aysan jirin halbeeg ay raacaan dhammaan OEM(OEMs) -yada dhawaaqa. OEM kastaa(Every OEM) waxay leedahay qaab u gaar ah, sidaa darteed waxaan hoos ku taxnay kuwa caanka ah.

Akhriso(Read) : Waa maxay calaamadaha lagu garto cilladda RAM(What are the signs of RAM failure) ?

Dell Beep Codes

Halka koodku hoos ugu taxan yihiin 1, 2, 3 iyo wixii la mid ah, waa kan waxa ay ka dhigan tahay. Beep Code 3 macneheedu waxa weeye in lagu soo celceliyo taxane 3 dhawaaq ah oo leh daahitaan yar. Markaad damiso PC-ga, wuxuu damin doonaa dhawaaqa sidoo kale.

Power LED Blinking/Beep Codes for Inspiron

LED/Beep CodeFault DescriptionFault(s)Suggested Action
1Motherboard: BIOS ROM FailureMotherboard, covers BIOS corruption or ROM errorRun the Dell Diagnostics
2MemoryNo Memory (RAM) detectedTroubleshoot the Memory
3Motherboard: Chipset
  • Chipset Error (North and South bridge error
  • Time-Of-Day Clock test failure
  • Gate A20 failure
  • Super I/O chip failure
  • Keyboard controller failure
Run the Dell Diagnostics
4MemoryMemory (RAM) Failure
5Real-Time Clock Power FailureCMOS battery failureTry reseating the CMOS Battery and run the Dell Diagnostics if that does not resolve the issue
6Video BIOSVideo card/chip failureRun the Dell Diagnostics
7Central Processing Unit (CPU)Central Processing Unit (CPU) FailureRun the Dell Diagnostics

Akhriso(Read) : Waa maxay calaamadaha lagu garto Guuldarada Hard Drive-ka(What are the signs of Hard Drive Failure) ?

Power LED Blinking/Beep Codes for XPS

Error DescriptionSuggested Next Step
1Possible motherboard failure – BIOS ROM checksum failureRun the Dell Diagnostics
2No RAM detected
Note: If you installed or replaced the memory module, ensure that the memory module is seated properly
Troubleshoot the Memory
3Possible motherboard failure – Chipset errorRun the Dell Diagnostics
4RAM read/write failure.Troubleshoot the Memory
5Real-Time Clock (RTC) power failTry reseating the CMOS Battery and run the Dell Diagnostics if that does not resolve the issue
6Real-Time Clock failureRun the Dell Diagnostics
7Video card or chip failure.
8Processor failure

Khaladaadka HP Beep(HP Error Beep) codes oo wata BIOS Core Common(Common Core BIOS)

Koodhadhka HP Beep(HP Beep) way ka yara duwan yihiin kuwa caadiga ah. Waxaa jira laba nooc oo waaweyn(Major) iyo kuwa yar(Minor) . Halka ay muhiimadu(Major) tilmaamayso qaybta khaladka, Yarku(Minor) waxa uu gaar u yahay mushkiladda qaybta dhexdeeda ah tusaale ahaan indho-qarsoon dheer iyo mid gaaban, oo ay la socoto dhawaaq dheer iyo mid gaaban.

Number of long beeps/blinksError category
1Not used; Single beep/blinks are not used
5System board

Qaababka koodka biliggu ama dhawaaq dhawaaqa waxaa lagu go'aamiyaa iyadoo la isticmaalayo cabbirrada soo socda:

  • Joojinta 1-ilbiriqsi waxay dhacdaa ka dib indho-beelka weyn ee ugu dambeeya.
  • Joojinta 2-da ilbiriqsi waxay dhacdaa ka dib ilbidhiqsi yar oo u dambeeya.
  • Xigashooyinka(Beep) kood qaladka dhawaaqa waxa ay u dhacaan 5ta jeer ee ugu horeeya qaabka kadibna joogsada.
  • Xirmooyinka koodka khaladka biliggu(Blink) wuu socdaa ilaa kombayutarka laga furayo ama badhanka korontada la riixayo.

IBM Desktop

No beepNo power, loose expansion card (ISA, PCI, or AGP), a short, or an improperly grounded motherboard
1 shortSystem okay
1 longVideo/display problem; video card incorrectly seated or defective
2 shortPOST Error displayed on the monitor
3 longProblem with 3270 keyboard card
1 long, 1 shortProblem with the system board
1 long, 2 shortProblem with display adapter (MDA, CGA)
1 long, 3 shortProblem with EGA
Repeating short beepsProblem with the power supply or system board
Continuous beepProblem with the power supply or system board

IBM ThinkPad

Continuous beepingSystem board failure
1 beep with blank displayLCD connector problem, LCD backlight inverter failure, video adapter failure, or LCD assembly failure
1 beep w/message “Unable to access boot sourceBoot device failure or bad system board
1 long, 2 shortSystem board, video adapter, or LCD assembly failure
1 long, 4 shortLow battery voltage
1 beep every secondLow battery voltage
2 short w/messageRead the error message on the display
2 short with blank displaySystem board failure


1 shortNo error: The system is booting properly.
1 long, 1 shortBIOS ROM checksum error: The contents of the BIOS ROM do not match the expected contents. If possible, reload the BIOS from the PAQ.
2 shortGeneral error: No specifics available on what this code means
1 long, 2 shortVideo error: Check the video adapter and make sure it’s seated properly. If possible, replace the video adapter.
7 beeps (1 long, 1 short, 1 long, 1 short, pause, 1 long, 1 short, 1 short)AGP video: The AGP video card is faulty. Reseat the card or replace it outright. This beep pertains to Compaq Deskpro systems.
Continuous beepMemory error: Bad RAM; replace and test
1 short, 2 longBad RAM: Reseat RAM, then retest; replace RAM if failure continues.

Codsiyada dhawaaqa ASUS BIOS

BIOS BeepDescription
One short beepVGA detected / No keyboard detected
Two short beepsWhen using Crashfree to recover BIOS, the new BIOS is successfully recognized.
One continuous beep followed by two short beeps then a pause (repeated)No memory
One continuous beep followed by three short beeps No VGA detected
One continuous beep followed by four short beeps Failure of Hardware component

Codes-ka Lenovo Beep

Symptom or errorService part or action, in sequence
One beep and a blank, unreadable, or flashing LCD.
  1. Reseat the LCD connector
  2. LCD assembly
  3. External CRT
  4. System board
One long and two short beeps, and a blank or unreadable LCD.
  1. System board
  2. LCD assembly
  3. DIMM
Two short beeps with error codes.POST error. See Numeric error codes for more help.
Two short beeps and a blank screen.
  1. System board
  2. DIMM
Three short beeps, pause, three more short beeps, and one short beep.
  1. DIMM
  2. System board
One short beep, pause, three short beeps, pause, three more short beeps, and one short beep.
  1. DIMM
  2. System board
Only a cursor appears.Reinstall the operating system
Four cycles of four short beeps and a blank screen.System board (Security chip)
Five short beeps and a blank screen.System board

Waxaan daboolnay liiska koodhka Beep -ka kombuyuutarka iyo macnaha ay u leeyihiin noocyada waaweyn oo keliya. Haddii aad leedahay mid ka duwan, hubi inaad hubiso goobta OEM .

la xiriira : Sida loo damiyo System Beep gudaha Windows 11/10 .

About the author

Ganacsi ahaan, waxay ku saabsan tahay abuurista qiimaha macaamiishaada iyo macaamiishaada. Waxaan diiradda saarayaa bixinta tilmaamo tallaabo-tallaabo ah oo ka caawinaya akhristayaashayda inay sida ugu badan uga faa'iidaystaan ​​qalabkooda iyo software-kooda, anigoo isticmaalaya Microsoft Office. Xirfadahayga waxaa ka mid ah kiiboodhka iyo rakibida darawalada, iyo sidoo kale taageerada Microsoft Office. Sannadaha aan khibrad u leeyahay warshadaha, waxaan kaa caawin karaa inaad daboosho baahi kasta oo hardware ama software ah oo aad u baahan tahay.

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