Sida loo arko faahfaahinta Akoonka Isticmaalaha gudaha Windows 10

Haddii aad ku jirto a Windows 10 PC, waxaa laga yaabaa inaad rabto inaad hesho macluumaad ku saabsan akoonkaaga isticmaale ama xisaabaadka kale ee kombayutarkaaga sida magaca buuxa, nooca akoontiga iwm. Haddaba casharkan, waxaan ku tusi doonaa sida loo helo macluumaadka oo dhan. ku saabsan akoonkaaga isticmaale ama faahfaahinta dhammaan akoontiga isticmaalaha ee ku jira PC gaaga. Haddii aad leedahay xisaab isticmaale oo aad u badan, markaas macquul maaha in la xasuusto tafaasiisha dhamaantood iyo tan halka casharradani u soo gasho si ay u caawiso.

Sida loo arko faahfaahinta Akoonka Isticmaalaha gudaha Windows 10

Waxa kale oo aad kaydin kartaa dhammaan liiska xisaabaadka isticmaalaha oo ay ku jiraan faahfaahinta akoon kasta galka notepad halkaas oo si fudud mustaqbalka looga heli karo. Faahfaahinta akoonnada isticmaalaha waxaa lagu soo saari karaa amar fudud iyadoo la adeegsanayo degdegga amarka. Markaa annagoon wax wakhti lumin, aan aragno Sida loo arko Faahfaahinta Koontada Isticmaalaha(View User Account Details) gudaha Windows 10 iyadoo la kaashanayo hagaha-hoos ku taxan.

Sida loo arko faahfaahinta Akoonka Isticmaalaha(View User Account Details) gudaha Windows 10

Hubi inaad  abuurto barta soo celinta(create a restore point) Â kaliya haddii ay wax qaldamaan.

Habka 1: Eeg Faahfaahinta Koontada Isticmaalaha Gaarka ah(Method 1: View Details of a particular User Account)

1. Fur Command Prompt . Isticmaaluhu wuxuu samayn karaa tallaabadan isagoo raadinaya ‘cmd’( ‘cmd’) ka dibna taabo Gelida.

Fur Command Prompt.  Isticmaaluhu wuxuu samayn karaa tallaabadan isagoo raadinaya ‘cmd’ ka dibna taabo Gelida.

2. Ku qor amarka soo socda cmd oo ku dhufo Gelida(Enter) :

net user_name(net user user_name)

Daawo Faahfaahinta Koontada Isticmaalaha Gaarka ah |  Sida loo arko faahfaahinta Akoonka Isticmaalaha gudaha Windows 10

Xusuusin: (Note:) Ku beddel(Replace) user_name ku beddel magaca isticmaalaha koontada isticmaale ee aad rabto inaad faahfaahinta kala soo baxdo.

3. Si aad u hesho macluumaad faahfaahsan oo ku saabsan goobta ka dhigan waxa, fadlan u gudub dhamaadka casharkan.

4.Reboot your PC si aad u badbaadiso isbedelada waana sidan  Sida loo arko Details Account User in Windows 10.(How to View User Account Details in Windows 10.)

Habka 2: Eeg Faahfaahinta Dhammaan Xisaabaadka Isticmaalaha(Method 2: View Details of All User Accounts)

1. Fur Command Prompt . Isticmaaluhu wuxuu samayn karaa tallaabadan isagoo raadinaya ‘cmd’( ‘cmd’) ka dibna taabo Gelida.

2. Ku qor amarka soo socda cmd oo ku dhufo Gelida(Enter) :

wmic useraccount liiska buuxa(wmic useraccount list full)

wmic useraccount liiska faahfaahinta muuqaalka buuxa ee dhammaan akoonnada isticmaalaha

3. Hadda haddii aad leedahay xisaabo isticmaale oo badan, markaa liiskani wuu dheeraan doonaa markaa waxay noqon doontaa fikrad fiican inaad u dhoofiso liiska faylka notepad.

4. Ku qor amarka cmd oo ku dhufo Gelida(Enter) :

wmic useraccount list full >”%userprofile%\Desktop\user_accounts.txt”

Ka rar liiska faahfaahinta dhammaan akoonnada isticmaale ee desktop |  Sida loo arko faahfaahinta Akoonka Isticmaalaha gudaha Windows 10

5. Faylka sare user_accounts.txt waxa lagu kaydin doonaa desktop-ka halkaas oo si fudud looga heli karo.

6. Taasi waa, oo waxaad si guul leh u baratay sida loo arko faahfaahinta akoonnada isticmaalaha gudaha Windows 10.(How to View User Account Details in Windows 10.)

Macluumaadka ku saabsan File Output:(Information about Output File:)

Properties Description
AccountType A flag that describes the characteristics of the user account.
  • 256 = (UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT) Local user account for users who have a primary account in another domain. This account provides user access to this domain only—not to any domain that trusts this domain.
  • 512 = (UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT) Default account type that represents a typical user.
  • 2048 = (UF_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT) Account for a system domain that trusts other domains.
  • 4096 = (UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT) Computer account for a computer system running Windows that is a member of this domain.
  • 8192 = (UF_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT) Account for a system backup domain controller that is a member of this domain.
Description Description of the account if available.
Disabled True or False if the user account is currently disabled.
Domain Name of the Windows domain (ex: computer name) the user account belongs.
FullName Full name of the local user account.
InstallDate The date the object is installed if available. This property does not need a value to indicate that the object is installed.
LocalAccount True or False if the user account is defined on the local computer.
Lockout True or False if the user account is currently locked out of Windows.
Name Name of the user account. This would be the same name as the “C:\Users\(user-name)” profile folder of the user account.
PasswordChangeable True or False if the password of the user account can be changed.
PasswordExpires True or False if the password of the user account expires.
PasswordRequired True or False if a password is required for the user account.
SID A security identifier (SID) for this account. A SID is a string value of variable length that is used to identify a trustee. Each account has a unique SID that authority, such as a Windows domain, issues. The SID is stored in the security database. When a user logs on, the system retrieves the user SID from the database, places the SID in the user access token, and then uses the SID in the user access token to identify the user in all subsequent interactions with Windows security. Each SID is a unique identifier for a user or group, and a different user or group cannot have the same SID.
SIDType An enumerated value that specifies the type of SID.
  • 1 = User
  • 2 = Group
  • 3 = Domain
  • = Alias
  • 5 = Well Known group
  • 6 = Deleted account
  • 7 = Invalid
  • 8 = Unknown
  • = Computer
Status Current status of an object. Various operational and nonoperational statuses can be defined.

Operational statuses include: “OK”, “Degraded”, and “Pred Fail”, which is an element such as a SMART-enabled hard disk drive that may be functioning properly, but predicts a failure in the near future.

Nonoperational statuses include: “Error”, “Starting”, “Stopping”, and “Service”, which can apply during mirror resilvering of a disk, reloading a user permissions list, or other administrative work.

The values are:

  • OK
  • Error
  • Degraded
  • Unknown
  • Pred Fail
  • Starting
  • Stopping
  • Service
  • Stressed
  • NonRecover
  • No Contact
  • Lost Comm

lagu taliyay:(Recommended:)

Taasi waa waxa aad si guul leh u baratay sida loo arko faahfaahinta akoontiga isticmaalaha gudaha Windows 10(How to View User Account Details in Windows 10) laakiin haddii aad wali wax su'aalo ah ka qabto casharkan fadlan xor u noqo inaad ku waydiiso qaybta faallooyinka.

About the author

Waxaan ahay injineer software iyo sahamiye. Waxaan khibrad u leeyahay labada Microsoft Xbox 360 iyo Google Explorer. Waxaan awoodaa inaan bixiyo talooyinka khabiirada ee qalabyada horumarinta software-ka qaarkood, iyo sidoo kale inaan caawiyo dadka inay cilad-saaraan khaladaadka Explorer ee caadiga ah.

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